Saabunud kiri: HEAT -HEAT consultations

Asja number: VP-17-0126
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Teema: HEAT -HEAT consultations
Registreeritud: 08.10.2018
Kellele saadetud: Anneli Säälik
Dokumendi liik: Kiri
Edastamise viis: E-post

Kontaktisik TUOAS
Saatja kuupäev: 08.10.2018

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Vastutav töötaja: Marju Laur
Vastamise tähtaeg: 08.11.2018
Seotud dokumendid:
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Dear all,

Positive news! The tendering process for the HEAT consultation is finally ready, and we have chosen WSP Finland Ltd as our consultant. You may recall WSP Finland from our Turku Kick-Off, where they had a session. There are still some formalities regarding their contract, but we are somewhat confident that the actual consultations with your cities/regions can begin already in November. Therefore, we need you input on the following issues:

1) Your preferred schedule for your first 2 hour skype-session (the consultation includes two 2-hour skypes per city/region). We are hoping that each city/region can take part in the skype by the end of this year to give enough time to gather data for the actual HEAT calculation..

2) Your preferred schedule for the face-to-face consultation (Tarto and Turku have specifically requested this). This session will take 4-5 hours and the consultants will tailor the session based on your needs.
WSP Finland will send each city/region a questionnaire prior to the actual skype to help you prepare for the session. Another 2 hour skype-session will take place once you have done the calculation. The consultant is also available for e-mail consultation between the skypes, so you can contact them, if you need assistance regarding the tool or data gathering etc.

In order to proceed with the consultations, we kindly ask you to send us your input by next Monday 15.10.

Best Regards,

Katariina, Heli and Annika

Katariina Kiviluoto
Hankeasiantuntija / Project Advisor
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu / Turku University of Applied Sciences
TKI-palvelut / RDI Services
Sepänkatu 1, 20700 Turku, Finland