Saabunud kiri: WP-4-the publications/HEAT

Asja number: VP-17-0126
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Teema: WP-4-the publications/HEAT
Registreeritud: 23.01.2020
Kellele saadetud: Anneli Säälik
Dokumendi liik: Kiri
Edastamise viis: E-post

Organisatsioon: City of Turku
Saatja kuupäev: 23.01.2020

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Vastutav töötaja: Marju Laur
Vastamise tähtaeg: 23.02.2020
Seotud dokumendid:
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Dear Mati,
Thank you!
I think your questions sound good, though I’m not sure if I understand question number 2. But we can go through these in our skype on Tuesday and you can explain them? J And give possibility to others to comment too.

Best regards, Laura

From: []
22. tammikuutata 2020 14:46
Luukkonen Laura <>
Fw: WP4 - the publications /HEAT

Dear Laura.
We think in all the workshops and articls should be found at least answers to these questions:

1. What is the aim of the work package Healthier Urban Planning for every partner?

2. What is the main contest of the work package?

3. Was public participation provided and what were the results of it?

4. What should be achieved as the result of realising the idea of this package?

The partners will give us the answers (ca 1/4 -1/2 of A4 page for a partner) and we will, using the answers, publish the summary of publications WP 4.

What do You think of it?

Mati Raamat


736 1156

507 9650

----- Forwarded by Mati Raamat/LPMKO/Tartu on 22.01.2020 14:19 -----

"Luukkonen Laura" <>
"" <>, "" <>
20.01.2020 12:00
WP4 - the publications /HEAT

Dear Mati and Marju,

how are you? For me, the Christmas holiday seems like a distant memory as the everyday work in each project has started in full steam.

I am writing to you about the work package Healthier Urban Planning that Tartu city is leading.

As you recall, we had discussion on what the workshops and publications mean, and I asked each partner to provide their plans to the memo.

As promised, I asked the secretariat about the language of these publications. She said they can be in local language, but we should make some kind of summary of them in English. Since city of Tartu is the leader of this work package, I trust you to build the summary of the publications.

I thought it could be done for example by you setting a couple of questions related to development of integrated concept for biking in each city/ related to each location’s publications. Then each location (Turku, Stockholm, Jurmala and Tartu) provides their answers in English and you can build the publication from these answers to be published in our website. The questions could be the same for each location or different. The task is a little bit challenging since the publications vary from each other. Partners’ answers don’t have to be super long, and it could be written that more information of each location plan can be found in local language from their webpages.

How does this sound to you?

If you have a another idea, that is fine by me as long as the end result is a publication summarizing the development of integrated concept for biking /the city plans.

I am putting this on the agenda for our next meeting on 28 January. I hope you can comment on it before that.

Best wishes, Laura

Laura Luukkonen

Project Coordinator

City of Turku

+358 40 1788 926