Saabunud kiri: HEAT Tool calculation

Asja number: VP-17-0126
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Teema: HEAT Tool calculation
Registreeritud: 12.03.2019
Kellele saadetud: Anneli Säälik
Dokumendi liik: Kiri
Edastamise viis: E-post

Kontaktisik KLH
Saatja kuupäev: 12.03.2019

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Vastutav töötaja: Marju Laur
Vastamise tähtaeg: 12.04.2019
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Dear all,

As discussed last week in the HEAT tool Skype meeting, the next steps in the HEAT Tool calculation are:
- HEAT calculations should be made before the end of April
- In the partner meeting in Jurmala each city will present the calculations and the idea of how the results will be used
- In Jurmala, also discussion on local seminars and webinar on HEAT calculation, and the experiences from Tarto stakeholder seminar
- In this task (3.3), the deliverables (3.3.1) are the results of the HEAT calculations in the cities and each city will do their own short report.

Local seminars on HEAT calculation results:
- Valonia, in September?
- Tarto, 22th of March
- Stockholm?
- Jurmala?

Here below also the earlier email concerning local seminars and webinar.



In WP 2, our task is also to coordinate the arranging of local seminars and webinar on the HEAT calculations.
Since we have the project meeting in Jurmala in the middle of May, we thought that these actions could be during June and/or September.
Here below the main thought issues about these actions:

Local seminars on the HEAT calculations
- In the first half of June or in the first half of September; or if cities have approximately at those times other seminars on related subject this could be one part of it
- Main themes: Gathering the data, the calculations, the results and the interpretation of results, use of the results, cross-sectoral aspects, conversation
- For authorities of other municipal sectors, and local and regional authorities and other organizations/stakeholders, that are working with cycling and mobility/transport related issues
- In the local language
- Duration about 3 hours
- The cities/areas make and pay the local arrangements (invitations, auditorium, coffees etc.)

Webinar on HEAT calculations
- In the first half of September (if all local seminars are in June) or in the end of September.
- Main themes: The conclusions, lessons learned, how did the work on HEAT tool support the cross-sectoral dialogue, next steps, conversation
- For all partners' different authorities (municipal, regional and state) and other organizations/stakeholders that are working with cycling and transport/mobility related subjects.
- In English
- Duration could be about 1,5 hours
- With ConnectPro or other software

How these sound for you? We would like to hear your opinions about these seminars and the possible arrangements.