Saabunud kiri: HEAT calculation webinar

Asja number: VP-17-0126
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Teema: HEAT calculation webinar
Registreeritud: 28.08.2019
Dokumendi liik: Kiri
Edastamise viis: E-post

Kontaktisik COT
Saatja kuupäev: 28.08.2019

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Vastutav töötaja: Marju Laur
Vastamise tähtaeg: 28.09.2019
Seotud dokumendid:
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Dear all,

The new date for the HEAT calculation webinar in 21st of Novemder at 14.00 Finnish time. According to Laura it is suitable for all partners.

Earlier we have discussed about the webinar that:
- Main themes: The conclusions, lessons learned, how did the work on HEAT tool support the cross-sectoral dialogue, next steps, conversation
- For all stakeholders as different authorities (municipal, regional and state) and other organizations/stakeholders that are working with cycling and transport/mobility related subjects.
- In English
- Duration could be about 1,5 hours
- With Skype for Business

Emilia asked about recording the webinar and posting it on the HEAT website so people can see it afterwards. How do you think about that?

We should also agree about the subjects of the presentations. How these sound for you? Or have you other suggestions?
- first Kaisuliina speaks shortly about the training
- Tartu: New master plan & HEAT calculations (if I remember this right?)
- Stockholm: HEAT calculations for Stockholm region and HEAT tool trainings for Stockholm region municipalities
- Jurmala: HEAT calculations and turism
- Valonia: HEAT calculations and updating the Southwest Finland regional traffic system plan
