Saabunud kiri: PUMP-UP - Start of the project

Asja number: VP-23-0044
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Teema: PUMP-UP - Start of the project
Registreeritud: 19.12.2023
Kellele saadetud: Kaire Mets
Dokumendi liik: Kiri
Edastamise viis: E-post

Kontaktisik M
Saatja kuupäev: 01.12.2023

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Vastutav töötaja: Veronika Kupri
Vastamise tähtaeg: 19.01.2024
Seotud dokumendid:
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From: Maria Tortajada Garibo <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 at 11:34
Subject: PUMP-UP - Start of the project
To: Aglaia Vourda <>, Theodora Dimoskidou <>, Kaire Mets <>, Andreas Riel <>, Claus Brandt Kristensen <>, dimitriadis <>, Uta Zaehringer <>, Emilienne Tingwey <>, Manolita Wiehl <>
Cc: elpealpe <>

Dear all,
We contact you in relation to the PUMP-UP project.
We would like to inform you that we have recently received the Grant Agreement from the national agency. Officially the project starts on 1 November 2023, so we are going to ask you now for all the information we need from your in order to move forward and start the first payment and implementation of the project.
Hence, we thought it would be convenient to hold a first meeting as soon as possible (virtual via Teams) to start the project and later, in January/February to hold the Kickoff Meeting face-to-face in Valencia. Here you can find the link to vote your preferred dates for the two meetings:
In addition, we would need you could provide us with the following information/documentation:
If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are in contact.
Best regards,
Elisa and Maria