Korraldus: Osalemine projektis "FABRICA - Fostering collaborative Approaches to Bolster the Revitalisation and Innovation of the traditional building Crafts and Arts in Europe"

Akti väljaandja: Tartu Linnavalitsus
Akti liik: Korraldus
Teema: Osalemine projektis "FABRICA - Fostering collaborative Approaches to Bolster the Revitalisation and Innovation of the traditional building Crafts and Arts in Europe"
Reg. number: 450
Seisund: Allkirjastatud
Vastuvõtmise kp: 19.04.2022
Jõustumise kp: 19.04.2022
Eelnõu: Osalemine projektis "FABRICA - Fostering collaborative Approaches to Bolster the Revitalisation and Innovation of the traditional building Crafts and Arts in Europe "
Failid: LVK2022041900450.asice ( 83 kb )