Asi: Täiendkoolitus "Advanced CLIL"

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Asja number: VP-11-0054
Menetlev üksus: Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž
Vastutav töötaja: Margus Pekk
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Viide: Kirjavahetuse toimik
Teema: Täiendkoolitus "Advanced CLIL"
Registreeritud: 01.04.2011



The aims of the course are to clarify the concept of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and to focus on specific areas of language development for classroom management and instruction.
Course dates: 27.06.2011-08.07.2011.


This two-week programme is aimed at secondary and Higher Education teachers, teacher trainers and inspectors who have to, currently or in the future, deliver content lessons in English. The aims of the course are to clarify and "demystify" the concept of CLIL and to focus on specific areas of language development for classroom management and instruction. We demonstrate teaching techniques which are transferable to a variety of subjects across the curriculum. We also show how published and authentic materials can be adapted for CLIL lessons.


During the course, participants are exposed to a range of teaching practices and methodologies. This can include the following: demonstrations of lessons using CLIL methodology; adapting and exploiting texts in the context of CLIL; evaluation of published materials and resources and specifically tailored sessions on language improvement. The course includes daily practical sessions on preparing CLIL micro lessons and, in the second week, delivering these micro lessons to your trainer and peers in order to put learned methodology and new ideas to practical use straight away.


Firstly, Kati Kottisse hoped that she can start with her own CLIL lessons after Advanced CLIL training course an put learned methodology and new ideas to practical use straight away.
Secondly, she also plan to run in-service workshops for her colleagues after this summer course and share her experiences concerning new techniques and ideas to use in their classrooms as well as new contacts to continue sharing ideas with in the future.


2 507 EUR

Tartu kohustused



2 507 EUR

Kellele taotlus esitatakse

SA Archimedes

Millise programmi / meetme raames

Comeniuse programm


Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus


1. British Study Centres Ltd


TKHK kutseõpetaja Kati Kottisse

Algus- ja lõpptähtaeg

22.07.2011 - 08.08.2011



Projekti lõpetamise põhjus

Edukalt lõpetatud

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