Asi: Nordplus Junior 2019 - Preparatory visit Malle_Laura NPJR-2019-PV/10014

Seisund: Lõpetatud
Asja number: VP-19-0150
Menetlev üksus: Tartu Forseliuse Kool
Vastutav töötaja: Terje Käär
Sari: 19-2 Välisprojektidega seotud dokumendid (s.h. projektitaotlused- ja muudatused, väljamaksetaotlused, aruanded, hankedokumendid ja kirjavahetus)
Viide: Kirjavahetuse toimik
Teema: Nordplus Junior 2019 - Preparatory visit Malle_Laura NPJR-2019-PV/10014
Registreeritud: 21.11.2019



Experiental learning in mulicultural environment" - is a 4 Nordic and Baltic countries partnership to
ensure an exceptional opportunity for their students and staff to meet and collaborate in an engaging
set of culture focused activities.


The primary goal of the future project is to promote Nordic language
and culture and mutual Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural understanding; Also to contribute to the
development of quality in the educational systems for lifelong learning in the participating institutions
(and their regions) through co-operation in education as well as co-operation in exchange of students;

Exchange of good practice and pedagogical experience between pedagogical staff of participating
organizations is also a part of the prospect project plan.


The Preparatory visit is planned in Vilnius, Lithuania on Monday 9th- Tuesday 10th December, 2019.
Sunday the 8th of December will be dedicated for travelling of the participants to Vilnius and the 11th of
December will be dedicated to travelling back to home countries.

The 9th through 10th of December will be dedicated to finalize the project idea and shape, making
decision on actual activities, numbers of mobilities of the exchanges and literally filling in the application
form for the Nordplus Junior project together.


Nordplus Junior main project application is ready and has been submitted.


910 EUR

Tartu kohustused

300 EUR


610 EUR

Kellele taotlus esitatakse

Nordplus Junior

Millise programmi / meetme raames

Nordplus Junior


Vilnius Traku Vokes gymnasium (LT)



Laura-Liis Lepp

Algus- ja lõpptähtaeg

01.12.2019 - 31.12.2019


HO allasutus

Projekti lõpetamise põhjus

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