Korraldus: Projektis "TREASoURcE (Territorial and regional demonstrations of systemic solutions of key value chains and their replication to deploy circular economy)" osalemise heakskiitmine

Akti väljaandja: Tartu Linnavalitsus
Akti liik: Korraldus
Teema: Projektis "TREASoURcE (Territorial and regional demonstrations of systemic solutions of key value chains and their replication to deploy circular economy)" osalemise heakskiitmine
Reg. number: 272
Seisund: Allkirjastatud
Vastuvõtmise kp: 15.03.2022
Jõustumise kp: 15.03.2022
Eelnõu: Projektis "TREASoURcE (Territorial and regional demonstrations of systemic solutions of key value chains and their replication to deploy circular economy)" osalemise heakskiitmine
Failid: LVK2022031500272.asice ( 82 kb )