Korraldus: Osalemine projektis "Developing effective Information, Advisie and Guidance tools to improve VET students retention and success (IAG4VET)"

Akti väljaandja: Tartu Linnavalitsus
Akti liik: Korraldus
Teema: Osalemine projektis "Developing effective Information, Advisie and Guidance tools to improve VET students retention and success (IAG4VET)"
Reg. number: 242
Seisund: Allkirjastatud
Vastuvõtmise kp: 20.03.2018
Jõustumise kp: 20.03.2018
Eelnõu: Osalemine projektis "Developing effective Information, Advisie and Guidance tools to improve VET students retention and success (IAG4VET)"
Failid: LVK2018032000242.bdoc ( 92 kb )